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Запчасти - Компактные опрыскиватели Husqvarna HS2-HS4

Handheld Sprayer• 10 - 40 PSI working pressure• 42 PSI maximum pressure• Internal Compression Pump (repairable)• 2 gallon (7.57 liters) capacity• Heavy-duty polyethylene tank with UV inhibitors• Critical seals and O-rings made of Viton® / Nytril formulation• 20” Brass wand with adjustable brass nozzle and fan nozzles• 47” Industrial Hose• Premium quality spray pistol with Viton® seals and built in strainer• 4.5” Funnel tank mouth• Solid-steel pump rod• Chlorine (3% MAX) use available with proper cleaning• 40 full strokes provides enough pressure to spray continuously for 10 minutes• Shoulder strap• Wand Storage Clip built into handle